Lo que ocurre es que para muchos equipos, enfrentarse al Heat es el juego del año, el partido de la temporada y ganarle es como conseguir un campeonato. Por eso uno los ve esforzarse extra para tratar de derrotar a nuestro equipo, aunque no lo logren.
Esta semana, nos toca jugar contra Boston, Brooklyn, Indiana y Toronto. Y los expertos, que mas parecen unos expertos en negatividad, sólo nos dan, cuando mucho, dos partidos de los cuatro.
Yo creo que si Dwayne Wade sigue jugando como en los últimos días, el Heat se lleva por lo menos tres de los cuatro juegos fuera.
People say it is difficult for the Miami Heat to win away from home. The truth is that the team is well used to play outside and in hostile environments. Actually, we can say that the environment nowadays is much less hostile than two years ago.
What often happens is that for many teams, facing the Heat is the game of the year, the game of the season and it´s like
winning a championship. So they make an extra effort to try to defeat our team, even if they don´t succeed.
We have to play against Boston, Brooklyn, Indiana and Toronto next week. And the experts, who seem to be more experts in negativity than anything else, just give us, at best, two games out of the four.
I think that if Dwayne Wade keeps playing like he has in recent days, the Heat takes at least three out of four games.
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